I got tagged by Meekiyu! And... the rules are tell 7 things about yourself and then tag 7 others.
This gets hard when you have been tagged like 6 times LOL....
So 7 things about us
1. We are a husband and wife team that do business together.
2. We have been married for almost 8 and 1/2 years.
3. We have 2 kids one boy and one girl.
4. We love Coffee....
5. We are the best of friends.
6. We do almost everything together.
7. We really love Coffee!
I now have to tag 7 people. So here we go!
1. Gifts, Etc. and Skincandy
2. whimsicalstars
3. Pink quartz minerals
4. originals by terri
5. The Watermelon Tree
6. Maddie and Mommy
7.Groovey crafts
Eso Treasure Map Glenumbra
6 years ago
Hi Crazy Times,
Thanks for entering my earring giveaway, but no thanks for the tag...just kidding... I will do my right after I post the winner of the earrings...
HA! I was the one tagged that tagged your tagger! :) Wow- that got crazy. Anyway, just wanted to add that I got a chuckle out of the coffee and coffee items-- I think if my love were asked, he'd post coffee 2 or 3 times also!! :)
gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)
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